Monday, October 26, 2009

Twenty something and still Being!

Being twenty is an 'awakening' phase for most of us. You think you know where you're going till you reach a crossroad and then wonder did you travel the right road. Its not really a mid life crisis scenario but i'd rather call it the most 'confused yet fulfilling' phase of everyones lives. All your goof ups, stupidities and mistakes can be blamed twenty years from now as 'I was just in my twenties'. We all go through similar episodes in life. The actors may differ, but everyone has shared a similar screenplay at some point in their twenties.

Things you will learn/experience when you’re 20 something:

• Everybody is somebody’s jerk and no matter how much you try, you can’t avoid jerks or being one!
• You will end up with a broken heart and if you are lucky, you would have broken someones heart too.
• Getting over heartbreaks become more difficult than understanding a Chinese person talk in English.
• No matter how much you try, you will end up having some lethal verbal session with your parents. Lets just blame it on the ‘Generation Gap’
• By law, at one point ALL of us will hate our boss and hate our jobs. I call it the 'law of the professional land'.
• Staying in love seems more complicated than understanding E = mc2.
• Relationship is a two letter word and means ‘Its complicated’.
• No matter how much you save, at the end of the month your account balance can never look as big as the Airbus A380.
• You will do at least 2-3 things in your 20's that you will regret later (like throwing up at an office party coz u were drinking like a fish)
• Hangovers become more difficult to get over than Himesh Reshammiya's acting.
• There’s only so much you can puke, clean and repent. (Tip – avoid egg bhurji after a 5 pints of beer)
• Loosing weight becomes tougher than Obama's speeches!
• You realize there are only so many stupid, slapstick and mindless Akshay Kumar movies you can watch in a year.
• You will look back at pictures taken 5 years ago and think you dressed like a dork then and think you are a fashion icon now!
• There will be someone in your friends group whose life you wish you could swap with (I wish I was Frieda Pinto minus her boytoy bf!)
• One of the annoying three letter words to hear will be – 'Where are you?' and mostly asked by your gf/bf.
• 12 is the new 2 AM and you don't have that much patience to talk to your 2 AM friends anymore.
• You will be hanging out more near the office coffee machine than in Poison and Enigma (or any other niteclub).
• When you're below 25, everything you do is either fun or exciting or both. When you're 25 and above, everything you do is either right or wrong or can't say!

If you've been through 10 or more similar experiences, then we should catch up soon for an evening of expresso. If you've had 5-6 such experiences then you're living a very safe life. Meet me for a crash course in living life on the edge. If you've not had a single experience then don't kid yourself, you're definitely not 20 something. Go back to school and stop reading my blog!


Aarti J said...

Baby! I qualify for an espresso. When do we meet? :)


Everytime i am in Delhi and everytime you are in Mumbai :)

Pieces of a real heart said...

Dency! I love you...your quotes are awesome!! :)

arathi said...

thats hilarious!!!!! :-) i think i agree on more than 5-6....