Thursday, February 28, 2008


Some like it big, some like it small. Some like it hard, some like it soft. Some like it coloured, some like it dotted. Well….....I like it in ALL shapes and sizes!!!

I must make one true confession before I die and that is I LOVE BAGS AND SHOES…I have a passion for fashion... I am a sucker for them and have a huge soft corner for bags of all sizes, textures and colours. And I love shoes also in all types of heels, variety and colours…I know all the men reading this must be yawning by now and goin ‘wat is the big deal about shoes and bags’. That is precisely why I thought I shud dedicate a post on them. I don’t understand how men don’t understand that bags and shoes are as important as skin is to the human body! If I don’t have them with me, I feel naked…and it is not the mere thing of wearing them, they need to be sophisticated and stylish too.

I am so obsessed with them that I removed all my footwear from the rack recently to click a snap of them so that it is easier to know if a pair is missing. And while I was marveling and admiring at my wonderful and humongous collection I heard my dad in the background say “You have too many footwear lady. See you have 6 of them in black and two of the same kind.” Now what my innocent dad did not notice or bother to notice was that those 6 pairs in black were of different heels, cuts and fabric. And also the 2 pair of sneakers that he said were same where actually of Different colours!!! I was appalled at my dad’s lack of observation. But then again I thought maybe any guy would probably say this. Why is it difficult for a man to understand that most women also come with an excess baggage of accessories that includes bags, shoes, belts, earrings and the like??? Is it that bad to invest some of your hard earned money on a nice pair of footwear and/or bags? And what abt the stupid things that men buy like playstation, hair gels, and of course the amount of money they spend on beer!!!

Well for all the women in the world who have a similar sickness (I don’t knw if that word puts me in a gud light) like me, here’s wat I have to say….go splurge girl…coz money can cum and go and so will boys but a bag/shoe that u like today will go out of fashion tomorrow, so pick it up rite now! Life is too long to ponder and fashion changes before you blink.

I think my tombstone should read, ‘Dency Mathew - Died in Pursuit of Happiness… Pursuit of MORE bags and shoes’

1 comment:

Varun Kumar said...

although you deleted my comment on the previous blog (do i smell guilt) but that does not stop me from commenting always except last it was a pleasure to read this one and i will make sure that your tombstone has the same text as you what if i cant get the taj mahal for you but i can surely burry you the way u want...what say;-)...well this means i live longer..he he...i knw some will find this humour offensive but honey i knw u will understand and so what honey if i dont have the money...i have the feeling so i burry u my