Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Not together…it’s 'Two'gether!

I say roses, you say guns. I say blue, you say grey. I say Simpsons, you say South Park. I say shopping, you say ESPN. I say “Miss you”, you say “Kiss you?”

Almost One lakh and twenty three books down and still no definite answer. Five thousand and sixty three debates and talk shows and it’s still a mystery. Twenty three thousand shrinks have still not managed to solve this problem. Well, Why are men from mars and women from venus?

No, I am not going to be the expert and answer this now almost revered question. I’m merely going to attempt what can be called the ‘Dency version’ of why men and women come from different planets, make that galaxies actually.

I think whoever said ‘Man is a thinking animal’ was just kidding with us. Coz i don't believe that Man (read male) can think or feel (except when hit at their crotch). And what most females do is just that – Think, think and think some more (Paris Hilton exempted).

Even if I give the male species the benefit of a thinking mind, I still doubt they will ever think like females. Scientifically too it has been proven that not only do men and women think differently in a given situation, but the way they use their brains differs significantly too. Women have larger connections and more frequent interaction between their brain's left and right hemispheres. This makes women better at verbal skills and intuition. Thats why we can talk, talk and talk some more (yeah, Iam part of it too). And thats also why everytime you cheat, your girl somehow knows about it. Its the infamous 'female intuition'!

Men, on the other hand, have greater brain hemisphere separation which explains their skills for abstract reasoning and visual intelligence. Hence, they rather follow vague maps than ask for directions. This is also why just a poster of Salma Hayek is enough to turn on a guy while a female needs more coffee conversations to keep her smitten.

Also, its true isn't it when you say men think from their brains while females think from their heart. And yes men and women also DO come from different chromosomes which may also be the primary reason for their differences. But can men and women never think alike? Can men ever use their heart for things more than a bypass surgery? Can they feel emotions without a show of tears? Can women ever think only from their mind? Can they ever be smarter at matters of the heart and accounts? Can man and woman ever come together as one thinking mind and not two minds? Can a guy ever say 'Lets paint the walls pink' and can a girl ever say 'Lets play PS3 on a sunday and put the wet towels on the bed'?

Frankly, I don’t know the answer. If those 'Understand your man or woman better' and Shobha De books havent helped, who am I? But maybe, just maybe in some corner of the world a woman is understanding her man better and vice versa. And maybe there actually IS a guy somewhere right now who doesn't run in fear or hide his face and instead looks up with pride when his girl says the most adorable, romantic and lovely three words - 'Hold my purse'.


Tom said...

You have a flair for writing yaar .... i am going to feature this blog in my blogs .... hope u don't mind ;-)

just a few comments .....
Disclaimer: Comments are not my personal opinion abt any matter mentioned above .. they r just a tool to irritate her online. Dency , Please don't send ur pack of feminist friends after me ;-)...

'Hold my purse' the most adorable, romantic and lovely three words u tell ur man .... great ;-) god help him ... a guy can say paint walls pink ... many fathers do that for their daughters quite happily ... who says salma hayek turns guys on .... we have moved on .... we follow vague maps because we have a tendency to use our brains most of the time rather than depend on someone ;-) I am not commenting abt thinking coz everyone knows the TRUTH


hahaha Tom...your comments have just made me add you to my group of 'Thinking Men'....i agree on the fathers paint their walls pink bit as my dad did that for me..:) And i apologize about the Salma Hayek bit...i should have used Megan Fox instead;)