Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Things i fail to understand...

For all the free time on my hand i had to do some soul searching and meditation and understanding the world around me better...Oh who am i kidding...i was busy playing 'plain lazy'..and thats when i thought i shud atleast try and attempt one of the three mentioned above...and being me i chose the last option first.

So here i am with a list of things i fail to comprehend/understand/figure out...i hope you get the drift

- I dont get it when people say i hate kids...i recommend only 2 hours with my niece and you will feel 10 years lighter...sure they are cute and tiny but beyond that they are also pure entertainment till the time they drop that act and cry...Then you may want to move on to something more entertaining like watching rakhi sawant's swayamwar show.

- And when people say they LOVE potato..like really who are we kidding here...potato is the most pale looking and tasting vegetable. So ya i dont like that fatty substance too much.

- People who dont like pizza shud be excommunicated. They are a breed that should get extinct like the dinosaurs. I mean what is there to not like in a pizza! Chicken good, vegetables good, pizza bread good, cheese gooooooooood.

- Men and their shopping nightmares...ya ya...i know shopping can be quite boring at times..but so can watchin two oversized men fight like kids in a knicker!

- The rains...i cant say i hate them or love them...they always get me all confused. Love them when i am sitting with someone special and sipping hot tea and hate them when i am travelling in a second class compartment of an overcrowded local train.

- Luck...I think it is the most overatted and overused word...it is used when something good happens to you and even bad...so is it a good thing or bad? Are you better off without it or with it?

- Sci-Fi movies...sure they have great visual appeal but if u ask me i think thats all they have. Sometimes the I robot or alien does better acting in these movies than the person who is supposed to save human race from these monsters. And they probably run out of budget for a storywriter, having spend their last penny on special effects and animation which is why none of them have a good script. Its the same ol' plot. Its not like i am a sucker for the mush movies, but sometimes you do need that totally unadulterated nonsence movie.

- Shah Rukh Khan...the question is - Is he homo or hetro or bi or alien???

Thats all! (a la Meryl Streep from Devil wears Prada)

1 comment:

Kanya said...

Yeah Dency.... totally agree about the two most interesting things in life (children and Rakhi Sawant)

And though I'm not one who enjoys shopping.... what is with men always thinking that their interests are so much better. I think you should write a blog on men and their 'superior' interests!!!