Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Sach ka Samna...for who..the contestants or audiences??

So i was watching this show called 'Sach ka Samna' on Star Plus and was quiet flabbergasted. I mean i wonder why someone in their right frame of mind would go on that show???

To begin with i DON'T think its a big bravery act to come out and sit on that chair and talk about your lies and come clean. I mean if u have so many hidden skeletons in your closet, you should be disclosing this information to the concerned person and not on national TV. If you come on this show to come out clean, you are doing it at the cost of what? A few lakhs won, but a number of feelings hurt too. I mean why do you want to be the butt of jokes and the ridicule your family on a national platform?

In such situations i think one must always go by the rule of weighing the pros and cons. If winning money is your sole objective, then no truth revealed on the show should cause you to break into any sweat. However when i cringe in my seat at some of the questions asked, i wonder how is it for the family/friends? I am sure many confrontations might take place when the episode is over and many of them must be ugly. Some days back i saw an episode where an uncle was asked if he had sex with someone younger than his daugther's age? He answered Yes. I mean c'mon. Why should i know that! And why on earth should his daugther know that??

Also i think Indian audiences have a major issue accepting the kind of truth spilled on the show. I mean a wife accepting that she has thoughts of killing her husband, doesnt that just break the notion of pati vrata patni?? This indian woman is just unacceptable to the indian audience (read men) who have grown up to watch tulsi's and parvati's. Also, the indian male committing adultry wont go down too well with the ladies who consider their husbands as their ideal Ram's and Mihir's(though mihir has had several liaisons, he is still considered ideal husband and i dont knwo why???) That i think is why this show is hard to digest.

However having given my opinion on the show, i dont advocate banning the show at all. Well, simply because i think viewer discreation should be exercised here. C'mon, dont you think our audience is smart enough to judge what should be watched and what not. Afterall T.V comes with a remote. So if you dont like something switch on to the next best reality show on another channel (but please make sure its not Fast and the Gorgeous on MTV or Iss Jungle se mujhe bacchao on Sony). The censors/moral police cannot and should not tell me what i should watch, eat, drink, wear. Leave it to me to know or learn whats good, bad and ugly!

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