Thursday, June 4, 2009

Things about me I dont think you know

1) I hate tablets....for the longest time I would ask a doctor to give me medicines only in the syrup form (wish I could still do it!)
2) I have shoplifted once...and not been i am not proud of it or ashamed...I blame "teenage hormones"!
3) When i enter a restaurant for snacks, i always order sada dosa (since age 9!)
4) Nothing cheers me up like strolling in a mall (yeah i know it may be very uncool to some but not for me) I think i am a shopoholic...sigh!
5) When Titanic was released, I was madly in love with Leonardo (who wasnt!!). For a whole year I kept buying notebooks that had Leo on its front page and he is the only actor whose poster I ever brought. (yeah..ok, judge me)
6) I have a doll that is almost 20 yrs old which would be my 1st gift to my child (boy or girl)
7) I hate cats...i think they are manipulative and greedy (maybe its the way they look)
8) I LOVE driving...even in traffic jams
9) I had a huge crush on Sean Paul (Baby boy fame) during my college years
10) I analyse and over analyse too much...and i hate 'Me' time coz i will use that time to analyse some more
11) I love bugging my mom...and i can talk to her for hours...she Loves me..i am sure..:)
12) I am writing a novel called GALS since the last 10 yrs...started it in my 10th std but yet to finish it.
13) I have too many close assured i will have a big entourage of bridesmaids on my wedding day
14) I used to love kids of all after a niece i like them when they are older than 6 months becoz all i see my 4 month niece do is sleep...and watching her sleep all day is NO fun!
15) I love gifts and love gifting and i do believe you dont need an occasion to gift (i hope i have hinted enough)
16) FRIENDS is a show I can watch nonstop for days
17) I can't remember lyrics of any song, hence I make up my own lyrics, almost always. For the same reason I am not included in Antaksharis anymore..:(
18) I hate Maths
19) When in doubt, i mentally still play the 'oh god please tell me' game
20) I still have a stamp collection, wrapper collection, coin collection, doll collection and even thread collection!
21) I have travelled in Kerala, Tamil Nadu, Goa, Maharashtra, Gujarat, Rajasthan, Delhi, Uttar Pradesh, Haryana, Sikkim, Calcutta and Himachal Pradesh till date. Evidently..i LOVE travelling
22) I like the smell of nail polish and hate the smell of paint
23) I am totally a winter person and not at all a morning person
24) I knew you were expecting another point only becoz you think it should end at 25...but stick a fork in me coz I'm done!!

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