Saturday, July 13, 2013

A Traveler's Bill of Rights!

As a "traveler", through all my voyages there are somethings I have noticed that are common in rules and regulations among countries. And one thing I learnt is that no matter how well you plan your holiday, there will always be moments that will sour your trip. It could be the hidden service tax or the long route the taxi driver takes to get you to your hotel. Travelers who rob their own bank account of valuable money to enjoy a wonderful holiday, should be spared these mood killers. So while I was thinking of ways to avoid these holiday killjoys, I had an epiphany. Presenting to you - 'The Travelers Bill of Rights' - The Rights Of the Traveler, By a Traveler and most importantly For the Traveler!

Right no 1: Ease on obtaining a tourist visa - Why is it so difficult to allow someone to enter a country so that they can spend money in your currency on hotel stays, food / drinks, shopping and other money involving activities (strip club hopping included). Isn't it only going to benefit any countries economy?? (also assuming we are all "safe" tourists and not remotely related to terrorism). I LOVE countries that give visa-on-arrival. Feels like they trust you more than countries who require endless documents and photographs that need 80% of your face showing. Where would the likes of Batman and Spiderman go for a holiday?

Right no 2: No differential rate on commodities for tourists against rates for locals - This is a common norm in all countries. As a tourist, you will be quoted a higher price than the local price. Unless you are an experienced traveler who is aware of this scam or have honed your bargaining skills, this one can really rob you of your last dollar. It can be really frustrating when you realize the difference in the amount quoted. As travelers, we are already increasing the economy of the visiting country by shopping there,so least we demand is a fair trade rate.

Right no 3: No different entry price for tourists - This is a HUGE bummer. When you have to pay 5 euros more than the French to go to the top of the Eiffel Tower its surely sucks. If anything, I think it should be the other way round. I mean I paid a lot of money already by flying to France as compared to the local. Why rob me further?

Right no 4: Two free bottled water in hotel rooms - This needs to be mandatory. Most European countries do not serve bottled water in rooms, the logic - tap water is drinking water. But excuse me, can you not provide me atleast a bottle of water on arrival in my room. I hate heading straight to the sink to quench my thirst after a long journey. 

Right no 5: No currency rate difference from country to country - This one is the worst nightmare of a traveler. The constant fluctuation of currency rates can be oh-so-painful. Why should I pay different rate of exchange for the same currency in two countries? If a Thai Baht is equivalent to Rs 2 in India, it should be the same in Thailand too. Why-oh-Why does rupee depreciate in the four hours that I am flying? Economists...don't bother explaining!

Right no 6: No charge at public toilets - Does your economy really have to thrive by charging people who need to go for a leak?? Its funny how a fully developed and rich country/state like Monaco in France 
 too charges people for using public toilets. You are aware that people can do the job in the bushes too right? Please think of more innovative ways to boost your economy. 

Right no 7: Free Wi-Fi in rooms - Do I really need to specify why here...its the least 3 star and above hotels can do. Hostels, you can be spared of this. 

Right no 8: Early check-ins and late check-outs - Check-in and out time in most countries are wrongly timed. I propose a universal time of 11am for check-ins and 1pm for check-outs. The late check-out gives a tourist enough time to wake up late, pack, shower and have a lazy brunch.The check-out time of 10am followed in most countries makes you race against time and you do not want the last day of your leisure holiday to end that way. 

Right no 9: Free drink/meal - Ok, this maybe asking for too much. But why not serve the jet-lagged tourists a free drink at the bar or a free meal. Ideal, wouldn't it be?

Right no 10: Free sleep lounges at airports - Sleep lounges for even economy class ticket holders at airports would be so zzzzzzzzzzzz..

If only these rights could be ratified.
...One day....sigh!
Till then, Happy Tripping.

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