Wednesday, March 16, 2011

La Dolce Vita

The Godfather, Gondola and Gelato - The land that gave birth to all 'G'reat things: Italy.
Pizza, Pasta or Pope - To experience all things in its 'P'ure form, head to Italy.

No matter how I would like to promote the country, truth is I knew I loved Italy before I stepped on her soil. Just 10 days before I left for Italy, I had finished reading the book Eat, Pray, Love. I was already learning the language and all I needed to do now was 'attraversiamo' (cross over) to Italy. I had fantasized more about Italy than any other country. As a kid I was a complete FRIENDS sitcom addict and in one episode I had seen the Colosseum and ever since I wanted to see this magnificent monument in front of my eyes one day.

So we first arrived in the ultimate picturesque city of Venice in Italy. Beautiful is an understated adjective one can use to describe this city. It's gorgeousness personified. A city that breathes on water is my kind of city. Every nook and corner of this place was worth a thousand clicks. The colourful houses and cobbled lanes, Venice is like a puzzle on water and the challenge is to not visit the same spot more the twice. We also did a small detour in Venice and visited the islands Burano, Torcello and Murano. Murano is famous for its glass factory and Burano is a quaint, colourful village which i nicknamed 'rainbow village'. The houses in the village are very colourful and it also hosts the famous lace factory.

From Venice to Florence was a good change. Florence has a very old world charm to it and has pretty lanes. But the best and the most adventurous part of our stay in this city was the mountain biking that I did through the Tuscan countryside. It was one of the most rewarding yet painful experience in my life. Cycles with gears attached was a challenge in itself, but the uphills din't make the task easier. Each uphill felt like getting injected on 10 different parts of my body at the same time!!! Eventually, the downhills felt like being anesthetized. Overall, the ride was memorable, as riding through the wonderful vineyards was worth all the uphills. And here's a good tip - strawberry gelato acts as a good energy booster after lots of uphills..:) Also, a quick visit was reserved for the Leaning Tower of Pisa. And it REALLY is leaning!!!

Outside the Colosseum
Rome was the last stop of my european extravaganza. And it was the best place to call it quits! An air of laziness prevails in this old, mystical city were a laid back life is encouraged. Finally, I did set my eyes on the Colosseum and even went inside it and after that, I was a satisfied traveller. But the icing on the cake was when I saw the Pope in front of my eyes passing on his pope mobile in the holy Vatican City. Tears could not be held back as I was overwhelmed by the experience. Nothing beats seeing the Pope in the holy land. And this probably was the biggest religious encounter in my life. From all the Pastas and Pizzas I ate to the navigating horrors in the floating city of Venice, Italy was a splendid experience.

Overall, I think I can label our 22 days in Europe as an "European Experiment" as everything I did on this trip was new and sort of an experiment. Travelling without mobile phones was a great break in itself but we really had a super smooth vacation. When we decided to go on this trip, my checklist read: Sloth, Greed, and Gluttony. And when the trip was over, I think I achieved all of it and more! For 1st timers in Europe, I think my partner and I did a swell job of travelling on our own and experiencing the local life. And it will definitely be a trip to be cherished all my life!!

A few things learned from this trip:

- It is possible to learn 3 languages in a month...the only problem is, you will confuse yourself and use the wrong language in the wrong country. I was inventing new words like Sola - a mix of sorry and hola (hello in spanish)

- Spanish people are the most romantic, PDA lovers in the world!

- The metros of Paris seriously need an upgrade. (Atleast build some lifts!!)

- There is no service tax issued on 2 people if you eat in Italy...if anyone argues know which finger to use.

- Avoid mango gelato in Italy...since Italy doesn't grow mangoes...its an artificial flavour that doesn't taste good.

- When at Trevi fountain, throw the coin using your right hand. I'll need to make one more trip to Trevi to rectify my mistake!

- The Vatican Museum is HUGE...set aside atleast 5 hours to see the complete museum.

- When in a beach city, DO carry your swimsuit. Or else get used to the stares!!

- Many europeans can't talk beyond basic English. But MOST europeans can't talk in English at all!!


1 comment:

Noosh said...

The trip of a lifetime!!! Even though we behaved ourselves completely :D

Here's to many many more, den...a champion navigator!!
