Friday, April 2, 2010

My BFF's

Here is a list of my BFF's....not that i was asked for one...but i thought if something happens to me tomorrow (knock knock) (close) friends should atleast know their value in my life...and no this is not some PR activity...some of you may find it surprising to find your name here...thats coz i never really let you know how important you are to me...but each one of you is special to me...and i can proudly say that i dont have "A" best friend...i have all of you..:)

List is in no specific order and just like me is...Random

Aarti - Also known as my mirror image (we are two peas in a pod)...First met her during my interview for admission in XIC...instantly i dont know why but i dint like her...i guess becoz she was too happy and talking tooo much (a trait i now love)...but she is the kinda person who grows on you...a few months into college and we bonded...Delhi brought us closer and our LOVE for shopping got us even more closer...

Abhishek - Our pair is like Priety Zinta and Atal Bihari Vajpayee as a couple (yikes)...He is as slow and profound as the politican and i am as bubbly as her...We share what is popularly know as the 'love hate' relationship...there are times(and many of them actually) where i LOVE to hate him...if there ever was a need for the title character of the series LOST i wud recommend him to act the character (he doesnt need to act though, he is born with that trait)...I hate to admit but i am fond of him...anymore on him and he will think i love

Anu - Easily my Oldest friend...our friendship has lasted 3 decades...but if u ask her she will tell you that the ride has not been as smooth as riding a Merc S class on the bandra worli sealink...we are 25 yr ol's but we still fight over silly stuff...but we both know we'll make up before the next 24 hours...we are like soul sisters...there cannot be 2 people more alike yet different...from having my 1st stayover in her house at the age of 6 to being the bridesmaid at her wedding...we literally have grown up together.

Menaka - My school cum college friend....we have seen our share of whirlwind romances and from disaster double dates to talking on the phone for a good 3-4 hours at 2 in the morning...we have been there, done that! We are very unlike each other, and i think that is the USP of our friendship. One of my happiest day will be to see you walk down the aisle with cassy...and the day i will see that i know i will be a very happy cupid!

Lydia - She is my Bible...literally...i LOVE her for her spirituality and words of wisdom....wenever i am low I go to her to find some inspirational many stories of joy and pain between us....we are each others 'comfort friend'...she is what they say truly beautiful from inside out.

Mrinalika - My sister from another mister...we are as cool as the Audi A6...we bonded at our workplace and if there is anythin i thank TIMES NOW for it is for Mina...when the going gets tough, Mina and I get a new place, eatery, movie watever....when we get together we not only paint the town red but purple, pink, green, blue, orange, magenta.....!
Sonika - Definitely a contender for my bridesmaid position...we arent exactly chaddi buddies but i think more than 'agony aunt' as i love to call her....we share this great understanding of some of the complex issues in life (read Men)...and then some other issues (like her not able to gain weight and me lose it)...basically we talk nonsense and nonstop all day long like Sidhu and we bond like KJo and SRK (except we are not gay!)

Noel - My 'Bunker' friend...thats coz we used to bunk mass together and go sit under some tree and talk or roam around and be back in time for communion..;)...he is younger to me and so i think i bully him a lot....from playing practical jokes on him to lecturing him...we both can tell each other our deepest secrets and be guaranteed than it will be spilled out in less than 6 hours to some third person (actually he is the only one who practices this)...yet we cant help but tell each other everything (ok, most of it!)

Varun - He is my Gossip Girl (pun intended) him or hate cant ignore Varun Biatch...he loves bitching..and loves being bitched about as well (coz he thinks that makes him popular!)...the anchor of my life (literally, only!)...he is every persons nightmare (dont ask me for reasons, too many)...yet he and I get along like kerosene and fire (no prizes for guessing who the fire is).

Clyde - He is my man-angel. And I am his devil.Whenever I play damsel in distress, he is there for me. I can never thank him enough for being part of my life. Just knowing that he is a part of my life, is gratifying and calming. And he will always be.

Sanyogita - The sweet, smiley and sober friend of mine...she has seen my most animated avatar (when i bit aarti's hand) and my creative side (Bail from the Snail)...Yet she chose to be my friend (i must say you have good taste)...XIC wudnt have been the same without you sanyo - my Drug of Life..;)

If some of you don't feature in this list...its only because you haven't paid me well in cash or kind like the above have....but like RGV, I like sequels too and there may be a BFF part 2 start being really nice to me...rite now!


Ragini said...

Very nice. How much do you charge to include a friend in the list? ;)

Kanya said...

Since you have now made a list of your BFFs (I don't even know what that means, but I am guessing it has somthing to do with 'friends' and not 'foes'), the most important job of your life is done. We can all breathe easy now. Since I know I'm not going to get down to making one.... I'll let you know that you'd feature in my list too (Oh what a mutual admiration club we've got going here!). Anyway but I think the most thrilled with this post is going to be Mr. Abhishek Srivastava and the most surprised is going to be Clyde. But I guess its for these small pleasures that its important to make these lists. Abhishek its your turn now to make the list. And if you don't put Dency's name.... tumhari to khair nahi!!!


@ Mina...BFF stands for Best Friends shud really start readin some chick magazines or start watching VH1...

@ Ragz...just some sponsored trips to Delhi from you will get you into my list..;)

Anonymous said...

You lucky girl...You have so many BFF's..?!?!?! You know I read everybody's description on this post and realised you have been an 'Aarti, Anu, Mrinalika, Lydia, Menaka etc etc' all wrapped in one for me..So I guess I'm luckier than you.:-) We've been friends since 1997..since the day you made me read your dreaded poems;-)...I guess we never looked back after all I have to say to you is..

Dear Den
You have been my friend
I hope our friendship never comes to an end

Sometimes we may not be touch for many a week
and times may seem pretty bleak

Like when life stops short at a bend
or there is a broken heart to mend

You know you can always give me a call
and I'll be there to catch you when you fall

Love you gurl

Menaka said...

How sweet..
Love u 2 babe :)


आरती said...

Baby, I am so lucky to be on that list, and just so you know, you are pretty high up on my list too!! I love you a lot :)! Muah

Varun Kumar said...

Are wah wah not bad so much admiration thanks to that Blog. Must say this has worked wonders for you n gained you a lot of points on most peoples fraaaaandship list. N that includes me as well... But hey must say it was quite an interesting read... Go Dencer Bhai! Go!!!

Abhishek said...

Now before I boost your ego in leaps in bounds. Because that is the whole idea behind this 'egotistical' blog, that you butter my ego and I butter yours. So NO Miss Mathew, i aint falling into that trap.
A few thoughts on my entry...
It comes across as if i am a blessing in disguise in your list some random good..believe in that!!!
And take it as a hint...that with you i prefer being slow and helps me...:)

and mrinalika joseph, i am sure you are evn jumping in your dreams to figure in this if you have been featured on the cover of The TIME Magazine.
Its not my high point, must be yours...

Mrinalika said...

Shutup Abhishek you could say something nice to Dency for a change. I know your relationship has been described as a LOVE-HATE relationship. But I don't see the love. And how come you didn't comment on the Preity Zinta part?

Abhishek said...

OOPPS!!! did i hurt your sentiments.

Madam Mathew, you and i know what you mean to i have to say it publicly now, its fun being what i am with you. so that will never change...
dont be bombed

And Mrinalika joseph, please...can we not play cupid here...AWWWW...did you feel bad!!! well too bad...thats how i am!!!...a very mean guy