Thursday, February 28, 2008


Some like it big, some like it small. Some like it hard, some like it soft. Some like it coloured, some like it dotted. Well….....I like it in ALL shapes and sizes!!!

I must make one true confession before I die and that is I LOVE BAGS AND SHOES…I have a passion for fashion... I am a sucker for them and have a huge soft corner for bags of all sizes, textures and colours. And I love shoes also in all types of heels, variety and colours…I know all the men reading this must be yawning by now and goin ‘wat is the big deal about shoes and bags’. That is precisely why I thought I shud dedicate a post on them. I don’t understand how men don’t understand that bags and shoes are as important as skin is to the human body! If I don’t have them with me, I feel naked…and it is not the mere thing of wearing them, they need to be sophisticated and stylish too.

I am so obsessed with them that I removed all my footwear from the rack recently to click a snap of them so that it is easier to know if a pair is missing. And while I was marveling and admiring at my wonderful and humongous collection I heard my dad in the background say “You have too many footwear lady. See you have 6 of them in black and two of the same kind.” Now what my innocent dad did not notice or bother to notice was that those 6 pairs in black were of different heels, cuts and fabric. And also the 2 pair of sneakers that he said were same where actually of Different colours!!! I was appalled at my dad’s lack of observation. But then again I thought maybe any guy would probably say this. Why is it difficult for a man to understand that most women also come with an excess baggage of accessories that includes bags, shoes, belts, earrings and the like??? Is it that bad to invest some of your hard earned money on a nice pair of footwear and/or bags? And what abt the stupid things that men buy like playstation, hair gels, and of course the amount of money they spend on beer!!!

Well for all the women in the world who have a similar sickness (I don’t knw if that word puts me in a gud light) like me, here’s wat I have to say….go splurge girl…coz money can cum and go and so will boys but a bag/shoe that u like today will go out of fashion tomorrow, so pick it up rite now! Life is too long to ponder and fashion changes before you blink.

I think my tombstone should read, ‘Dency Mathew - Died in Pursuit of Happiness… Pursuit of MORE bags and shoes’

Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Man! I feel like a woMAN

So you just saw the guy standing beside you wearing Nike shoes, a Dolce Gabbana shirt with Calvin Klein belt on the latest Levi jeans. Well, you think he’s gay. But hold that thought. He isn’t gay because you just saw him kiss a beautiful girl. A guy who’s not gay yet so stylish. How is that possible?

Metrosexual is thy name. A metrosexual man always looks perfectly put together. He can be in a t-shirt and jeans or heading out to a black tie event. His hair never has a bad day. His nails are always clean. His clothes are perfectly pressed and neatly coordinated. He smells like flowers. He is a normal straight male who possesses qualities of a gay male without being attracted to men.

I found it hard to understand the term metrosexual. But it wasn’t too hard as I had a living example of a metrosexual man in my house. It all began when I noticed that every week my face cream was vanishing more than I was using it. Hence one day I questioned my mom about it. But she flatly denied ever using my cream. It was only a few weeks later that I noticed my brother sitting with his laptop (a typical sign of masculinity- man with his gadget) with his face covered in my cream (a typical sign of femininity – women and her cream) that I uncovered the mystery behind my vanishing face cream. I wanted to laugh at this pretty sight, but it was then that I realized that it was foolish on my part to think that men cannot groom themselves. I would often find my brother applying moisturizers and lotions to his face. He even had a hand and feet cream to help keep them soft and smelling good always – something that I never had or bothered to buy. It was only on the day that he brought himself a ‘pink’ shirt that I was convinced that there was more to my brother’s feminine taste than what meets the eye. He had not only crossed the line of masculinity but also surpassed the line of femininity!

I was getting more and more intrigued by this sudden development of feminine tastes in my brother’s choices. So I decided to do a little investigation into his life. One day as I was on my way back home from college, I saw my brother walk into a Lakme salon. In normal circumstances, I would have not even raised an eyebrow. But the fact that this was my brother’s second visit to the salon in one month got me a little curious. I walked right in too, in the pretext of finding the rates of the salon for a haircut. And Voila! What do I see? My brother sitting with a female attendant doing his eyebrows. This sight was enough for me to fall flat on the floor. But the sight of three other men in the salon in similar situation and one man waxing his hands made me want to run from the place to a place where men are still men and are still hairy!!!

The term metrosexual was coined by British journalist Mark Simpson in 1994 to refer to a new breed of young metropolitan males who had a strong aesthetic sense and spent a great deal of time and money on their appearance and lifestyle. Not surprisingly, magazines eagerly pounced on it and used the expression. The word became more popular after Simpson wrote an article in 2002 projecting the soccer star David Beckham as a metrosexual man. David Beckham soon became the epitome of this new cult of males- a man who wasn’t afraid to show off his feminine side without losing his masculinity. Metrosexuality was considered a western phenomenon and was thought to be existent only in America. However, it was not too long ago that the Indian markets also capitalized on this phenomenon and made heterosexual males like Shah Rukh Khan and Saif Ali Khan into metrosexual males. In fact, recently Shah Rukh Khan even appeared in a soap advertisement with rose petals surrounding him in a bath tub and now he is considered the icon of Indian metrosexual.

In today’s world, a physically attractive personality is very important. Men don’t want to be far behind in this race and want to walk with women if not overtake them. There are more salons opened for men today than before. There are also more men visiting them and having a pedicure, manicure and facial than before and they don’t have any qualms admitting it. These are the guys with whom you shop till you drop. They can discuss fashion, will notice your great new shoes and buy their grooming products from the same places you do. You can actually ‘talk’ to these guys about something other than sports, cars and other traditional male interests. Being metrosexual is almost synonymous to being stylish.

Some of the things that clearly distinguish a metrosexual male from a heterosexual are:
They own 20 pairs of shoes, half a dozen pairs of sunglasses, just as many watches and they carry a man-purse. They see a stylist instead of barbers because barbers don’t do highlights. They shave more than just their face. They also exfoliate and moisturize. They can’t imagine a day without hair styling products and would rather drink wine than beer.

Metrosexual men are a phenomenon that we cant run away from. These men are here to stay. Whether it is a strategic tactic used by the fashion and media industry is still debatable. Yet these men are all around us. In our college, offices, locality etc as our friend, boyfriend or even maybe your Brother!

So next time you bump into a guy who is cool, smart, attractive, stylish and cultured, don’t be afraid to ask him out for a date. Take my word. He’s not gay, but just ‘METROSEXUAL’.

Wednesday, February 6, 2008

My Mumbai or Yours??

Well...i dont need to explain too much into why i write this post...i hope i can be the voice of every true MUMBAIKAR.....

With all this hooplah-hoo about whose mumbai is it anyway...i wud just like to say both Raj Thackarey and Amar Singh are idiots....this is neither the land of maharashtrians nor of UP-Biharis...this is the land of the Koli's...the original inhabitants of Mumbai...wen they have no issue with the influx of non koli's into the city who the hell is raj thackarey to object...

People shud stop claiming Mumbai as their own..this city is the melting point of a lot of cultures,religions,languages and traditions....and i think that is the USP of the accomadates every person and braces them as their own....

I have lived in Delhi for nearly a year and i cudnt feel more out of place...though a highly cosmopolitant city with an amazing infrastruture to its credit, i cudnt feel more homeless....i guess being born and brought up in mumbai u fall in love with the city and its people...My native land is Kerala and i cant connect with tht state either...i will probably never feel connected to it except for the fact tht it is my native land...

It pinches wen you see morons on the roads playing a thug of war for my does not belong to an individual or religion or caste or belongs to anyone who wants to fall in Love with the city...anyone who is willing to absorb himself/herself into the city's culture and pace...
if not ur not welcome to my it north indians, south inidans ,west indians or east indians...

If only the city could talk....its exact words wud be 'BUG OFF!'