Monday, January 25, 2010

I miss You!

I miss seeing your face which brightens my worst days....
I miss sitting next to you and making you listen to my endless stories....
I miss the absurd conversations that we have that only U & I understand....
I miss teasing you on how little you eat while I feast on my food....
I miss hearing that sweet noise you make when i blow below your neck....
I miss distracting you when you watch TV in full concentration....
I miss having your fingers play with mine....
I miss the way you dont want to let go of me and ask me to stay even when its late....
I miss seeing you smile at me when i meet you at the end of the day....
I miss hugging you and holding you close to me....
I miss the sweet kisses that you plant on my cheeks when I am not expecting it....
I miss you......

I miss you lil' adorable niece....I miss you immensely when you go to your maternal house. I love you a lot.

P.S - The author of the blog is not a pedophile.