Saturday, March 29, 2008

Love – That beautiful and ugly feeling!!!

Before you think here we go again…another article on Love…hold that thought…coz this not a preachy article but a first hand report of a person who WAS in love….and NO that person is not Me!!!

Well…this is the story of one of my very close friends…a person who people looked up to as someone with a steady mind, someone who was a practical and balanced person, someone who always had her head on her shoulders, someone who people could count when they lost control of their life, someone who never wore her heart on the sleeve, someone sensible….till Love struck her.

Someone said ‘the best poems are written when in pain, and the best poets are the ones who have experienced heartbreak.’ How true that someone was. Because if you go by what my friend say’s she experienced in love, you will believe every word said in this phase.

When she watched people in love and saying I’ll do anything for you, she would laugh!....”bullshit I’ll do anything for him” was her reply….till she met her boyfriend. Having had boyfriends before, it’s not like she had not experienced the whole romantic feeling. But like they say ‘the intensity of love is best felt when in Love’. Here was a guy totally mismatched for her. Nothing in him or abt him wud have fit into her “typical” boyfriend category. He was a flirt, sweet talker, charmer from the word go, dishonest and of a diff religion to add to the list. Yet, knowing well before getting into the relationship that she is only gonna burn her hands in this relationship, she cudnt help but say YES to him. He slowly grew on her. And she felt that she needed him more than he needed her. Suddenly she was possessive abt him more than he was. The usual couple fights also added to the charm in the relationship. Her callertunes wud reveal her state of mind. A ‘Ya Rabba’ wud mean that she just had a fight and a ‘Your still the One’ wud mean that things are lovey-dovey.

And then the separation period started. Despite her best attempts, distance was something she cudnt cover up. Gradually they separated. But not before the unbearable pain and trauma that she under went that took her one yr to get over with. The nights were never ending and the tears just kept flowing like alcohol in an open bar. Life she thought cud never be the same…she cud never be the same.

So why do I write about love u ask….well simply to let people know that love is that heady feeling that gives you all the ecstasy you want to take you to a height you’ve never thought existed and also drop you so low that the only things surviving over there would be the decayed and rotten creatures of the earth. "But at the end of the day it is better to have loved and lost than to have not loved at all… Love is the feeling of reaching the doors of heaven….a hunger that is more difficult to conquer than the hunger of bread"… These are not my words, this is what my friend says….and I say Amen to that!!