Friday, January 4, 2008

2007 - The Year that Was

Wat a Year!!! Gamut of emotions rocked me throughout....

There was so much happening in a single year for me tht i think by far this has been the best year for me.......i still remember starting the year wit a concert on 31st wer A R Rehman was performing...and was partyin till wee hours in the mornin....and the year has just been tht....a big fat PARTY year......

Beginning the year by visiting heartbreak hotel which i vacated in a few months to my only sibling getting married and a new member joining the Mathew clan to me having the experience of living it up and alone in Delhi......the year has been one gud jolly ride.....

Now for more intricate details.....

I am not gonna spell out details of my heartbeak as i think its a waste of cyberspace and time......

Bro 'n' Bhabhi
The big fat 'Mathew' wedding - well finally my brother has gotten hitched and hitched sis-in-law is the most pretty and composed 23 yr old i have met.....she oozes confidence and charishma.....and i am not just sayin it coz she is in the family now but i seriously think so too.....the wedding was one big fat affair that caused a few palpitations to my dad and made him cry all the way to the bank......but at the end of the day it was a wedding that was put together perfectely only because of the  best event manager ever - my Dad.....kudos to you dad....

Next me shifting base to New Delhi - This has probably been the most cherished and wonderful part of the year 2007.....made some good friends at CNN-IBN and had amazing and cool roommates.....this is where i want to thank a few of you who made my short and brief stint in Delhi memorable.
With the CNN-IBNites
First i wud like to thank Vinay Tiwari...yes without you i wudnt land up in CNN-IBN and made such wonderful friends...
My roommates - Nupur, Preeti and guys rocked and loved every day staying with you'll....Nupur aka gurudu-stop causing flood...Preeti aka PTS - you owe some money...hehe...Swetha aka Balams - your sincerity and perseverance towards work is what i hope i can inculcate in my children....not me....hehe fightercock friend, flirty friend, Priyanka cutepie Baa, hot and smart friend, sweety(wink wink), forever smiling friend, mom, urban dictionary guide, forever ready to help friend....

Disappointments of 2007 were loosing out some of my good friends due to petty fights....some old and well tuned friendships shattered this year and that caused a few retrospect i guess this made me more aware of who all are my true friends....wish all my friends the very best in the coming years......

Would like to thank a friend who was extremely wonderful, understanding and caring ....Sanyogita.

Next stop TIMES company, new friends, new environment in the new year.....well hope i have a gr8 2008 too.....

Will write my next post soon on my watch out for this space....
